Quotes of Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna - somelinesforyou

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ Behold, my son, with what little wisdom the world is ruled. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

“ The quantity of books in a person's library, is often a cloud of witnesses to the ignorance of the owner. ”

- Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna
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