Quotes of Christopher Ricks - somelinesforyou

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks

“ When a language creates — as it does — a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past. ”

- Christopher Ricks
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