Quotes of Charles Wagner - somelinesforyou

“ Simplicity is a state of mind. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Happy he who is able to reclaim himself, who finds the way back to simplicity. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Simplicity is a state of mind. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ If there are people at once rich and content, be assured that they are content because they know how to be so, not because they are rich. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ The sick man, wasted by fever, consumed with thirst, dreams in his sleep of a fresh stream wherein he bathes, or of a clear fountain from which he drinks in great draughts. So, amid the confused restlessness of modern life, our wearied minds dream of simplicity. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Yes, I am positive that one of the great curatives of our evils, our maladies, social, moral, and intellectual, would be a return to the soil, a rehabilitation of the work of the fields. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ The spirit of simplicity is not an inherited gift, but the result of a laborious conquest. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Yes, I am positive that one of the great curatives of our evils, our maladies, social, moral, and intellectual, would be a return to the soil, a rehabilitation of the work of the fields. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Yes, I am positive that one of the great curatives of our evils, our maladies, social, moral, and intellectual, would be a return to the soil, a rehabilitation of the work of the fields. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Happy he who is able to reclaim himself, who finds the way back to simplicity. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Happy he who is able to reclaim himself, who finds the way back to simplicity. ”

- Charles Wagner

“ Happy he who is able to reclaim himself, who finds the way back to simplicity. ”

- Charles Wagner
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