Quotes of Charles Malik - somelinesforyou

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik

“ The greatest thing about any civilization is the human person, and the greatest thing about this person is the possibility of his encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. ”

- Charles Malik
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