Quotes of Charles DeLint - somelinesforyou

“ There are no happy endings... There are no endings, happy or otherwise. We all have our own stories which are just part of the one Story that binds both this world and Faerie. Sometimes we step into each others stories perhaps just for a few minutes, perhaps for years and then we step out of them again. But all the while, the Story just goes on. ”

- Charles Delint

“ An now the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year... when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ An now the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year... when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ An now the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year... when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint

“ And now, the silences come in a single lifetime, in a single year… when species die, leaving a silent space in the world song that can never be filled. ”

- Charles Delint
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