Quotes of Charis Wilson - somelinesforyou

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson

“ Edward and I both agreed with the view of a Greek friend of ours, Jean Varda, who was fond of saying there were three perfect shapes in the world … the hull of a boat, a violin and a woman's body. ”

- Charis Wilson
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