Quotes of Celia Green - somelinesforyou

“ Most of the research which is done is determined by the requirement that it shall, in a fairly obvious and predictable way, reinforce the approved or fashionable theories. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ Most of the research which is done is determined by the requirement that it shall, in a fairly obvious and predictable way, reinforce the approved or fashionable theories. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ Most of the research which is done is determined by the requirement that it shall, in a fairly obvious and predictable way, reinforce the approved or fashionable theories. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. ”

- Celia Green

“ The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. ”

- Celia Green

“ The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. ”

- Celia Green

“ The remarkable thing about the human mind is its range of limitations. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ The sane person prides himself on his ability to be unaffected by important facts, and interested in unimportant ones. He refers to this as having a sense of perspective, or keeping things in proportion. ”

- Celia Green

“ The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. ”

- Celia Green

“ The remarkable thing about the human mind is its range of limitations. ”

- Celia Green

“ The remarkable thing about the human mind is its range of limitations. ”

- Celia Green
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