Quotes of Caroline Kennedy - somelinesforyou

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals, and to imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ Congressman John Murtha and Alberto Mora exemplify the kind of courage my father admired most. When others were unwilling to do so, each man recognized a moral obligation to speak out against policies he believed were misguided and contrary to our national interest… ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ Congressman John Murtha and Alberto Mora exemplify the kind of courage my father admired most. When others were unwilling to do so, each man recognized a moral obligation to speak out against policies he believed were misguided and contrary to our national interest… ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy

“ As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ”

- Caroline Kennedy
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