Quotes of Carol Kleiman - somelinesforyou

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ There are eight words or references that light up employers' eyes: languages, computer, experience, achievement, hard-working, overseas experience, flexible, and task-oriented. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman

“ If you're a hard-working, flexible, task-oriented computer type with overseas experience, go to the front of the line. ”

- Carol Kleiman
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