Quotes of Carlos María Domínguez - somelinesforyou

“ To build up a library is to create a life. It's never just a random collection of books. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ To build up a library is to create a life. It's never just a random collection of books. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ To build up a library is to create a life. It's never just a random collection of books. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ It is often much harder to get rid of books than to acquire them. They stick to us in that pact of need and oblivion we make with them, witnesses to a moment in our lives we will never see again. While they are still there, it is part of us. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ For me the greatest joy is to be able to submerge myself for a few hours every day in a human time that otherwise would be alien to me. A lifetime is not enough. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ Os livros mudam o destino das pessoas ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ The books are advancing silently, innocently through my house. There is no way I can stop them. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ Os livros mudam o destino das pessoas ”

- Carlos María Domínguez

“ The books are advancing silently, innocently through my house. There is no way I can stop them. ”

- Carlos María Domínguez
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