Quotes of Calista Flockhart - somelinesforyou

“ Whenever you move, I think you lose your history. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm Fasinated by women who aren't making a great impression on people. I think there's probably something there that is more than meets the eye. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ Actually, I take it as a compliment. Diva is a derivative of divine. That's quite a title to carry around. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm Fasinated by women who aren't making a great impression on people. I think there's probably something there that is more than meets the eye. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart

“ I embrace everything about Ally… I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human. ”

- Calista Flockhart
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