Quotes of C. Diane Ealy - somelinesforyou

“ As you begin to nourish creativity in one area of your life, it begins to flourish in other areas. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ As you begin to nourish creativity in one area of your life, it begins to flourish in other areas. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ What's vital about our creative process is that we learn to use it, to nurture it and express it in our daily lives. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ What's vital about our creative process is that we learn to use it, to nurture it and express it in our daily lives. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ As you begin to nourish creativity in one area of your life, it begins to flourish in other areas. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ Don't allow yourself to say, "I'm not creative."… Creativity exists in every healthy human being. Acknowledge yours. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ A remarkable gift, creativity. No other aspect of the human psyche is as powerful. It can exist unused for many years and then, with the right encouragement, creativity can be expressed, improving our lives and the lives of everyone around us. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ What's vital about our creative process is that we learn to use it, to nurture it and express it in our daily lives. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ As you begin to nourish creativity in one area of your life, it begins to flourish in other areas. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ A remarkable gift, creativity. No other aspect of the human psyche is as powerful. It can exist unused for many years and then, with the right encouragement, creativity can be expressed, improving our lives and the lives of everyone around us. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ A remarkable gift, creativity. No other aspect of the human psyche is as powerful. It can exist unused for many years and then, with the right encouragement, creativity can be expressed, improving our lives and the lives of everyone around us. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ I have long been fascinated by how we humans participate in our own evolution. Our growth process always seems to be happening in two directions at the same time: back to who we were originally — our true selves; and forward to what we can become — fulfilling that true self. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ A remarkable gift, creativity. No other aspect of the human psyche is as powerful. It can exist unused for many years and then, with the right encouragement, creativity can be expressed, improving our lives and the lives of everyone around us. ”

- C. Diane Ealy

“ What's vital about our creative process is that we learn to use it, to nurture it and express it in our daily lives. ”

- C. Diane Ealy
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