Quotes of Buster Keaton - somelinesforyou

“ Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ A comedian does funny things. A good comedian does things funny. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ A comedian does funny things. A good comedian does things funny. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ No man can be a genius in slapshoes and a flat hat. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ I gotta do some sad scenes. Why, I never tried to make anybody cry in my life! And I go 'round all the time dolled up in kippie clothes-wear everything but a corset! Can't stub my toe in this picture nor anything! Just imagine having to play-act all the time without ever getting hit with anything! ”

- Buster Keaton

“ I don't act, anyway. The stuff is all injected as we go along. My pictures are made without script or written directions of any kind. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Is Hollywood the cruelest city in the world? Well, it can be. New York can be that, too. You can be a Broadway star here one night, and something happens, and out — nobody knows you on the street. They forget you ever lived. It happens in Hollywood, too. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ A comedian does funny things. A good comedian does things funny. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Is Hollywood the cruelest city in the world? Well, it can be. New York can be that, too. You can be a Broadway star here one night, and something happens, and out — nobody knows you on the street. They forget you ever lived. It happens in Hollywood, too. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ I gotta do some sad scenes. Why, I never tried to make anybody cry in my life! And I go 'round all the time dolled up in kippie clothes-wear everything but a corset! Can't stub my toe in this picture nor anything! Just imagine having to play-act all the time without ever getting hit with anything! ”

- Buster Keaton

“ I gotta do some sad scenes. Why, I never tried to make anybody cry in my life! And I go 'round all the time dolled up in kippie clothes-wear everything but a corset! Can't stub my toe in this picture nor anything! Just imagine having to play-act all the time without ever getting hit with anything! ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot. ”

- Buster Keaton

“ I gotta do some sad scenes. Why, I never tried to make anybody cry in my life! And I go 'round all the time dolled up in kippie clothes-wear everything but a corset! Can't stub my toe in this picture nor anything! Just imagine having to play-act all the time without ever getting hit with anything! ”

- Buster Keaton

“ Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot. ”

- Buster Keaton
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