Quotes of Bryant Gumbel - somelinesforyou

“ The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ I never had a problem with Bryant. He's a perfectionist, and that's to his credit. When he did interviews, he had these big note pads, and watching him go over his questions was like watching James Levine conduct. I'm a better journalist because of him. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ I never had a problem with Bryant. He's a perfectionist, and that's to his credit. When he did interviews, he had these big note pads, and watching him go over his questions was like watching James Levine conduct. I'm a better journalist because of him. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ There is a lot to life, and a lot more than just television to life. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ While I am naturally disappointed that the show didn't fare better in the ratings, I am pleased with the quality of the broadcast we created. I remain grateful for the opportunity I had to make CBS a competitive presence in the morning. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ There is a lot to life, and a lot more than just television to life. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ There is a lot to life, and a lot more than just television to life. ”

- Bryant Gumbel

“ There is a lot to life, and a lot more than just television to life. ”

- Bryant Gumbel
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