Quotes of Bret Easton Ellis - somelinesforyou

“ Greed is good. Sex is easy. Youth is forever. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ It strikes me profoundly that the world is more often than not a bad and cruel place. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I have to return some videotapes ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ Sex is mathematics. Individuality no longer an issue. What does intelligence signify? Define reason. Desire meaningless. Intellect is not a cure. Justice is dead. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ what's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ He wasn't, I realized when I read those scenes concerning Blair and myself, close to any of us except of course to Blair, and really not even to her. He was simply someone who floated through our lives and didn't seem to care how flatly he perceived everyone or that he'd shared our secret failures with the world, showcasing the youthful indifference, the gleaming nihilism, glamorizing the horror of it all. But there was no point in being angry with him. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ The book was blunt and had an honesty about it, whereas the movie was just a beautiful lie. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ The real Julian Wells didn't die in a cherryred convertible, overdosing on a highway in Joshua Tree while a choir soared over the sound track. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis

“ I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. ”

- Bret Easton Ellis
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