Quotes of Brendan Fraser - somelinesforyou

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ It's a departure for me,... I can't walk through the airport in Singapore without a little kid hanging on my leg saying, 'George! George!'. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ It's a departure for me,... I can't walk through the airport in Singapore without a little kid hanging on my leg saying, 'George! George!'. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ It's a departure for me,... I can't walk through the airport in Singapore without a little kid hanging on my leg saying, 'George! George!'. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ It's a departure for me,... I can't walk through the airport in Singapore without a little kid hanging on my leg saying, 'George! George!'. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ It's a departure for me,... I can't walk through the airport in Singapore without a little kid hanging on my leg saying, 'George! George!'. ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? ”

- Brendan Fraser

“ I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it. ”

- Brendan Fraser
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