Quotes of Bob Mould - somelinesforyou

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ The blues is something separate from what I do. They connect at certain spots, but blues is different. I wouldn't put it in with what my career has been. That would be a whole separate wing. ”

- Bob Mould

“ The blues is something separate from what I do. They connect at certain spots, but blues is different. I wouldn't put it in with what my career has been. That would be a whole separate wing. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I just needed some time to get away from it. I was just tired of it. Tired of being the rock guitar guy. After 20 years of it, I just sort of hit the wall. Yeah, I know that's my bread and butter so to speak, that's my ace card. In my position I was watching a lot of-with the risk of sounding egotistical-lesser quality people doing a lot better with my sound. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I don't like the dislocation of being away for months at a time. It's not conducive to having a life. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I don't like the dislocation of being away for months at a time. It's not conducive to having a life. ”

- Bob Mould

“ The best scenario is where people support the artist directly. We're a ways from that yet-if people can get it for free, why would they pay? ”

- Bob Mould

“ I think same-sex marriage is an issue that won't be settled soon, nor will the need to change public perception fade away next year. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I think also there was a lot of coming to terms with where I am in life, where I fit in as a gay man in America, and getting more comfortable with who I am. ”

- Bob Mould

“ When I'm winning, winning, winning with a certain way why would I mess with that? When I realised there was lot to be gained from failing in some people's eyes, it made it all the more interesting! ”

- Bob Mould

“ I was a lifelong fan and a student of the wrestling business. When I got the call to come over as a consultant for that, to help with the production of a regular TV show, I was floored. It was a dream come true, like managing a football team would be for some people or whatever. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I was a lifelong fan and a student of the wrestling business. When I got the call to come over as a consultant for that, to help with the production of a regular TV show, I was floored. It was a dream come true, like managing a football team would be for some people or whatever. ”

- Bob Mould

“ After I did the solo acoustic tour last year, I felt like I was in a position to start working with people again. I think the shroud of Husker Du was finally laid to rest, and people who wanted to were able to hear those songs for what was probably the last time… ”

- Bob Mould

“ I think also there was a lot of coming to terms with where I am in life, where I fit in as a gay man in America, and getting more comfortable with who I am. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I just needed some time to get away from it. I was just tired of it. Tired of being the rock guitar guy. After 20 years of it, I just sort of hit the wall. Yeah, I know that's my bread and butter so to speak, that's my ace card. In my position I was watching a lot of-with the risk of sounding egotistical-lesser quality people doing a lot better with my sound. ”

- Bob Mould

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ When I'm winning, winning, winning with a certain way why would I mess with that? When I realised there was lot to be gained from failing in some people's eyes, it made it all the more interesting! ”

- Bob Mould

“ I just needed some time to get away from it. I was just tired of it. Tired of being the rock guitar guy. After 20 years of it, I just sort of hit the wall. Yeah, I know that's my bread and butter so to speak, that's my ace card. In my position I was watching a lot of-with the risk of sounding egotistical-lesser quality people doing a lot better with my sound. ”

- Bob Mould

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ I was a lifelong fan and a student of the wrestling business. When I got the call to come over as a consultant for that, to help with the production of a regular TV show, I was floored. It was a dream come true, like managing a football team would be for some people or whatever. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I just needed some time to get away from it. I was just tired of it. Tired of being the rock guitar guy. After 20 years of it, I just sort of hit the wall. Yeah, I know that's my bread and butter so to speak, that's my ace card. In my position I was watching a lot of-with the risk of sounding egotistical-lesser quality people doing a lot better with my sound. ”

- Bob Mould

“ After I did the solo acoustic tour last year, I felt like I was in a position to start working with people again. I think the shroud of Husker Du was finally laid to rest, and people who wanted to were able to hear those songs for what was probably the last time… ”

- Bob Mould

“ I don't like the dislocation of being away for months at a time. It's not conducive to having a life. ”

- Bob Mould

“ I was a lifelong fan and a student of the wrestling business. When I got the call to come over as a consultant for that, to help with the production of a regular TV show, I was floored. It was a dream come true, like managing a football team would be for some people or whatever. ”

- Bob Mould

“ When I'm winning, winning, winning with a certain way why would I mess with that? When I realised there was lot to be gained from failing in some people's eyes, it made it all the more interesting! ”

- Bob Mould

“ After I did the solo acoustic tour last year, I felt like I was in a position to start working with people again. I think the shroud of Husker Du was finally laid to rest, and people who wanted to were able to hear those songs for what was probably the last time… ”

- Bob Mould

“ Maybe if I get off the road and stop playing with punk rock bands, there'll be a lot more records. It would probably involve me getting out of the conventional music business as we know it and heading more towards a self-sufficient, self-structured release-type thing… ”

- Bob Mould

“ I was a lifelong fan and a student of the wrestling business. When I got the call to come over as a consultant for that, to help with the production of a regular TV show, I was floored. It was a dream come true, like managing a football team would be for some people or whatever. ”

- Bob Mould
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