Quotes of Bob Greene - somelinesforyou

“ The meat-and-potatoes work of world journalism is performed by the wire service reporters. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The meat-and-potatoes work of world journalism is performed by the wire service reporters. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The obvious market size is 40 million households. There's probably a sweet spot of 20% to 25% today that are the demographics you're looking for. ”

- Bob Greene

“ As long-term users of Rhapsody, MULTI, and INTEGRITY, we are encouraged by this strategic partnership,... With this tightly integrated solution we now have a single cohesive development environment that enables us to analyze, model, design, implement and test our embedded software applications… ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene

“ The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because reporters know that if they're late or sloppy on a story, it will show up because the competition is likely to be not late and not sloppy. ”

- Bob Greene
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