Quotes of Bob Graham - somelinesforyou

“ This president failed to tell the American people what he knew about the consequences of military victory in Iraq. ”

- Bob Graham

“ The attacks of September 11th could have been prevented if the right combination of skill, cooperation, creativity and some good luck had been brought to the task. ”

- Bob Graham

“ Democrats have had some tradition in the past of beating themselves up in the primary and weakening their position going into the general election and that's not going to happen in 2006. ”

- Bob Graham

“ Democrats have had some tradition in the past of beating themselves up in the primary and weakening their position going into the general election and that's not going to happen in 2006. ”

- Bob Graham

“ This may be heresy to admit, but it's the record. ”

- Bob Graham

“ It's impossible to believe that Scooter Libby... would have done this on his own determination, rather that this was part of a larger conspiracy to attempt to discredit Ambassador Wilson. ”

- Bob Graham

“ We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. ”

- Bob Graham

“ What I found most notable about President Bush's remarks was that he began to prepare the people for the potential long-term consequence of this action, including the possibility of a protracted military engagement, the hopefully limited collateral damage to Iraqi civilians, and the role that the United States will play after the hostilities cease. ”

- Bob Graham

“ Democracy is a fragile institution. ”

- Bob Graham

“ Democracy is a fragile institution. ”

- Bob Graham

“ This may be heresy to admit, but it's the record. ”

- Bob Graham

“ We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. ”

- Bob Graham

“ Democracy is a fragile institution. ”

- Bob Graham

“ The attacks of September 11th could have been prevented if the right combination of skill, cooperation, creativity and some good luck had been brought to the task. ”

- Bob Graham

“ That will permit the Saudi government to deal with any questions which may be raised in the currently censored pages, and allow the American people to make their own judgment about who are our true friends and allies in the war on terrorism. ”

- Bob Graham

“ What this president has done in conducting a secretive, deceitful, highly costly war which has taken our attention off the very people who represent our greatest threat. They are not living in Iraq. They are living in the mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. ”

- Bob Graham

“ It's impossible to believe that Scooter Libby... would have done this on his own determination, rather that this was part of a larger conspiracy to attempt to discredit Ambassador Wilson. ”

- Bob Graham

“ And that's what this bill is all about: assuring that each and every voter can have confidence in our elections and that when problems do arise, there can be a determination made about them — what went wrong and how to correct it so that every vote is counted. ”

- Bob Graham

“ It's impossible to believe that Scooter Libby... would have done this on his own determination, rather that this was part of a larger conspiracy to attempt to discredit Ambassador Wilson. ”

- Bob Graham

“ And that's what this bill is all about: assuring that each and every voter can have confidence in our elections and that when problems do arise, there can be a determination made about them — what went wrong and how to correct it so that every vote is counted. ”

- Bob Graham

“ We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. ”

- Bob Graham

“ What I found most notable about President Bush's remarks was that he began to prepare the people for the potential long-term consequence of this action, including the possibility of a protracted military engagement, the hopefully limited collateral damage to Iraqi civilians, and the role that the United States will play after the hostilities cease. ”

- Bob Graham

“ And that's what this bill is all about: assuring that each and every voter can have confidence in our elections and that when problems do arise, there can be a determination made about them — what went wrong and how to correct it so that every vote is counted. ”

- Bob Graham

“ What this president has done in conducting a secretive, deceitful, highly costly war which has taken our attention off the very people who represent our greatest threat. They are not living in Iraq. They are living in the mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. ”

- Bob Graham
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