Quotes of Bob Davies - somelinesforyou

“ We have a track record of not disappointing the market's expectations... We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We have a track record of not disappointing the market's expectations... We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ I hear Glenn Hoddle has found God. That must have been one hell of a pass. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies

“ We have a track record of not disappointing the market's expectations... We expect strong growth to continue through acquisitions and tendering opportunities. ”

- Bob Davies
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