Quotes of Bill Kelly - somelinesforyou

“ Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ If I have a daughter, and my wife names her Michele, I will demand that it be spelled with two Ls. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ If I have a daughter, and my wife names her Michele, I will demand that it be spelled with two Ls. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ After God created the world, He made man and woman. Then, to keep the whole thing from collapsing, He invented humor. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ I don't think from a legal perspective that there's anything here that raises a red flag. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ If I have a daughter, and my wife names her Michele, I will demand that it be spelled with two Ls. ”

- Bill Kelly

“ After God created the world, He made man and woman. Then, to keep the whole thing from collapsing, He invented humor. ”

- Bill Kelly
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