Quotes of Best Of Bits And Pieces - somelinesforyou

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ You can't expect a person to see eye to eye with you when you're looking down on him. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ You can't expect a person to see eye to eye with you when you're looking down on him. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ You can't expect a person to see eye to eye with you when you're looking down on him. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces

“ Praise does wonders for the sense of hearing. ”

- Best of Bits and Pieces
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