Quotes of Bert Lahr - somelinesforyou

“ That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ After The Wizard Of Oz I was typecast as a lion, and there aren't all that many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ After The Wizard Of Oz I was typecast as a lion, and there aren't all that many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ After The Wizard Of Oz I was typecast as a lion, and there aren't all that many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr

“ After The Wizard Of Oz I was typecast as a lion, and there aren't all that many parts for lions. ”

- Bert Lahr
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