Quotes of Bernard Kelvin Clive - somelinesforyou

“ Happiness based on happenings are fleeting. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Most people have stop playing the game (living their dreams) and instead cheering with the crowd (following the masses). Just because they missed a penalty, a chance, an opportunity). Let nothing stop you! It’s time to start playing again, it’s your dream, it’s your baby, make it happen ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Today, just take time to smell the roses, enjoy those little things about your life, your family, spouse, friends, job. Forget about the thorns the pains and problems they cause you and enjoy life ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I'm not in pursuit of happiness, I'm happiness in pursuit; ready to happen everywhere I go. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I’ve learned that no matter how inspired, fired up and motivated you might be, the dark clouds will always set in ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ May you thrive where others tumble. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ God's promises for your life may not happen in your timeline but it will surely happen in your lifetime. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Don't let go of fields you've fought for, keep fighting ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Masters today were starters yesterday, so begin now. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I may appear to be a broken pencil now but one day you will need me to dot you ‘i’ and cross your ‘t’. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I’ve learned that no matter how inspired, fired up and motivated you might be, the dark clouds will always set in ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ It's better to dare to dream big and achieve half of your dreams than to dream small dreams and achieve all ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Where you plant your feet determines your feats ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ They may try to stop you by their words and deeds, but like air you will rise above it all. You are unstoppable ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I’m not out to compete with any one, I’m here to complete, by encouraging and inspiring souls through a text at a time ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ It's better to dare to dream big and achieve half of your dreams than to dream small dreams and achieve all ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ There is no time to waste in life and there is no cut and paste as well, only copy and paste – you can only emulate others ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ It's better to dare to dream big and achieve half of your dreams than to dream small dreams and achieve all ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ The secret code of success is patience, a virtue that can not be replaced. It takes time to build great dreams. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I pray that we don’t come to that regrettable moment in the journey of life, only to realize that we’ve lost tons of pearls (Friends and Relationships) just because they were coded in their filth(Flaws). ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Everyday we are all presented with the same primary colors(red, yellow, blue), some mix their colors to get secondary and tertiary colors to paint their life's portrait beautifully, others sit and complain that they don't have enough colors. It's not the number of colors on your pallet that does the magic, it's what you do with what you have. Go ahead and paint anyway. It's your life's portrait. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I’ve learned that no matter how inspired, fired up and motivated you might be, the dark clouds will always set in ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ Happiness based on happenings are fleeting. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ In the darkest part of the earth are hidden treasures; so in every man can be found valuable gifts, if only we dig deeper and overlook the dust. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ I pray that we don’t come to that regrettable moment in the journey of life, only to realize that we’ve lost tons of pearls (Friends and Relationships) just because they were coded in their filth(Flaws). ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ It doesn't matter if you are a pastor, professor, lawyer, president, prophet, etc, if you are married your first responsibility (calling) is to your family wife to the husband and husband to wife. Until you come to that realization and submit accordingly, society won't have a healthy family life and your overall calling will suffer. The world has overrated public display of success neglecting private victories from the home and smaller units of our community. ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ If you don't deliberately learn to create enjoyable moments in life with your loved ones, you will eventually regret your past not having sweet memories to relive ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive

“ The world is dominated by those who ascend into the higher powers in the spiritual realms ”

- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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