Quotes of Bergen Evans - somelinesforyou

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Leadership is more likely to be assumed by the aggressive than by the able, and those who scramble to the top are more often motivated by their own inner torments. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Leadership is more likely to be assumed by the aggressive than by the able, and those who scramble to the top are more often motivated by their own inner torments. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ We function on a dozen different levels of intelligence. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ The civilized man has a moral obligation to be skeptical... Any man who for one moment abandons or suspends the questioning spirit has for that moment betrayed humanity. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Leadership is more likely to be assumed by the aggressive than by the able, and those who scramble to the top are more often motivated by their own inner torments. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ There is no necessary connection between the desire to lead and the ability to lead, and even less the ability to lead somewhere that will be to the advantage of the led. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ There is no necessary connection between the desire to lead and the ability to lead, and even less the ability to lead somewhere that will be to the advantage of the led. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ The civilized man has a moral obligation to be skeptical... Any man who for one moment abandons or suspends the questioning spirit has for that moment betrayed humanity. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until our own experience has given it meaning. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ”

- Bergen Evans

“ Wisdom is meaningless until your own experience has given it meaning and there is wisdom in the selection of wisdom. ”

- Bergen Evans
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