Quotes of Barbara Pym - somelinesforyou

“ She knew exactly how she ought to feel, for she was well read in our greater and lesser English poets, but the unfortunate fact was that she did not really like being kissed at all. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ These are quite obviously the books that nobody reads,’ said Rocky, studying their titles. ‘But it’s a comfort to know that they are here if you ever should want to read them. I’m sure I should find them more entertaining than the more uptodate ones. Wild Beasts and their Ways; Five Years with the Congo Cannibals; With Camera and Pen in Northern Nigeria; Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia. I wish people still wrote books with titles like that. Nowadays I believe it simply isn’t done to show a photograph of “The Author with his Pygmy Friends”—we have become too depressingly scientific. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ Those quotations were really quite obscure. Anyone can see that he is a very well read man. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ Those quotations were really quite obscure. Anyone can see that he is a very well read man. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ Those quotations were really quite obscure. Anyone can see that he is a very well read man. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ Those quotations were really quite obscure. Anyone can see that he is a very well read man. ”

- Barbara Pym

“ Those quotations were really quite obscure. Anyone can see that he is a very well read man. ”

- Barbara Pym
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