Quotes of Babyface - somelinesforyou

“ I think it’s not really difficult to write about love. We’ve been saying the same thing over and over for so many years. But it depends on how honest it is and how good you make it feel. You can say ‘I love you’ in a trillion ways, and it can always sound different or feel different. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface

“ Initially I wanted to be Muhammad Ali. But then I got into a fight and I got my butt kicked, so I figured I could choose something else. ”

- Babyface
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