Quotes of Aulus Gellius - somelinesforyou

“ I see the beard and cloak, but I don't yet see a philosopher. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Truth is the daughter of time. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip. ”

- Aulus Gellius

“ I see the beard and cloak, but I don't yet see a philosopher. ”

- Aulus Gellius
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