Quotes of Arthur Lynch - somelinesforyou

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Pessimism is carefully cultivated in some intellectual circles, as if it were a precious plant that the human race could not afford to lose. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ We must rejoice when love is great, and pardon its excess, for love is the staff of life, and life without love is life in vain. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ We must rejoice when love is great, and pardon its excess, for love is the staff of life, and life without love is life in vain. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ The only atheism is the denial of truth. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Life is magical. There is something wonderful in being alive, in having within one's self all sorts of possibilities. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Life is magical. There is something wonderful in being alive, in having within one's self all sorts of possibilities. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Pessimism is carefully cultivated in some intellectual circles, as if it were a precious plant that the human race could not afford to lose. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ We must rejoice when love is great, and pardon its excess, for love is the staff of life, and life without love is life in vain. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Pessimism is carefully cultivated in some intellectual circles, as if it were a precious plant that the human race could not afford to lose. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ If a man has directed his course to great ends there is compensation even in ruin. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Life is magical. There is something wonderful in being alive, in having within one's self all sorts of possibilities. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Vanity is easily forgiven, for we are all vain, and even as we laugh at the weakness of others we feel that their vanity has touched the responding chord of our own. ”

- Arthur Lynch

“ Vanity is apt to inspire contempt, but that becomes immediately tempered by a gentler and more gracious feeling; for the vain man desires to win our approbation, and in this way he flatters us. ”

- Arthur Lynch
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