Quotes of Arthur C. Danto - somelinesforyou

“ The Rockwell magazine cover was more a part of the American reality than a record of it. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ The Rockwell magazine cover was more a part of the American reality than a record of it. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ The Rockwell magazine cover was more a part of the American reality than a record of it. ”

- Arthur C. Danto

“ His was a landscape of amiable codgers, nurturing moms, adorable dogs, callow soldiers with hearts of gold-grown-up Boy Scouts all. ”

- Arthur C. Danto
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