Quotes of Anmol - somelinesforyou

“ I think the worst feeling in the world is knowing that someone you used to talk to everyday doesn’t care about you anymore ”

- Anmol Andore

“ Life gave me lemons, then I met you and you had Vodka. Now my life is a party. ”

- anmol gandhi

“ Some people come in your life and make you believe that your life is incomplete without them. Then they leave, creating a void in your heart that may fill back with time but will never be complete. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ If you can forget the person you love, you have not loved enough. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ In the game of life many faces come at different phases you just have to choose a right face at a right phase ”

- Anmol

“ It's not in the will to prove an idea to be true but in the utmost desire to disprove it, that the absolute truth emerges. ”

- Anmol Nigam

“ Some people come in your life and make you believe that your life is incomplete without them. Then they leave, creating a void in your heart that may fill back with time but will never be complete. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ Every night, I laid awake with your memories flooding through my eyes with the hope to be with you when sleep arrived. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ If you can forget the person you love, you have not loved enough. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ The way to my heart shattered when you left me, but I was glad because your memories were invulnerable, locked inside my heart. ”

- Anmol Rawat

“ It's not in the will to prove an idea to be true but in the utmost desire to disprove it, that the absolute truth emerges. ”

- Anmol Nigam

“ It's not in the will to prove an idea to be true but in the utmost desire to disprove it, that the absolute truth emerges. ”

- Anmol Nigam
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