Quotes of Angie Martinez - somelinesforyou

“ I'm on the radio because I love hip-hop. I represent that community, but there are so many other aspects to who I am as a person. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ The fact that they're taking this service away is disheartening. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ I'm on the radio because I love hip-hop. I represent that community, but there are so many other aspects to who I am as a person. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ I'm on the radio because I love hip-hop. I represent that community, but there are so many other aspects to who I am as a person. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ Every weekend we have been trying to go out of town, to let people know about this album. I have been trying to host parties. It is hard, because it is a lot of work to do both. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ Every weekend we have been trying to go out of town, to let people know about this album. I have been trying to host parties. It is hard, because it is a lot of work to do both. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ I'm on the radio because I love hip-hop. I represent that community, but there are so many other aspects to who I am as a person. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ I'm on the radio because I love hip-hop. I represent that community, but there are so many other aspects to who I am as a person. ”

- Angie Martinez

“ Every weekend we have been trying to go out of town, to let people know about this album. I have been trying to host parties. It is hard, because it is a lot of work to do both. ”

- Angie Martinez
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