Quotes of Angel Moreira - somelinesforyou

“ Having the ability to recognize and appreciate your blessings is a blessing. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Being able to recognize and appreciate your blessings in life is a blessing. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ You are a winner before the day you were born. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Your dreams are wonderful thoughts of you in your mind that's waiting for you to turn them into your reality. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ In relationships being a great woman is a man's gift. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ One of the best things you can do for yourself is to believe in yourself. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ It's never too late to believe again and dream again. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ One of the best things you can do for yourself is to believe in yourself. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Having the ability to recognize and appreciate your blessings is a blessing. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Being able to recognize and appreciate your blessings in life is a blessing. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ In life when God calls you, answer. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ In life when people count you out, count on God and count your blessings. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ You are the author of your life . So write an amazing best seller. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Life is a lifetime lesson. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ You are the pilot of your life. So fly through the sky. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ It's never too late to believe again and dream again. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Discover the positive things you love to do and love your life. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Your dreams are wonderful thoughts of you in your mind that's waiting for you to turn them into your reality. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ In life when God calls you, all you have to do is answer. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ In life when pursuing my dreams I accept failing until I succeed. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ The measure of someone success can be determined by their ability to fall and rise again. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Life is a lifetime lesson ”

- Angel Moreira

“ Life is a lifetime lesson. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ You are a winner before the day you were born. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ You are the pilot of your life. So fly through the sky. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ When the vision of your dreams gets blurry remember to readjust your lens. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ When being in a relationship with a great man focus on being an asset to your king and not a liability ”

- Angel Moreira

“ When being in a relationship focus on being an asset to your significant other and not a liability ”

- Angel Moreira

“ When dealing with love and relationship. Hurting and betraying a great woman can lead you to a painful life of regret. ”

- Angel Moreira

“ When dealing with love and relationships you can't read a book as one, if you are on different pages. ”

- Angel Moreira
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