Quotes of Andy Goldsworthy - somelinesforyou

“ Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ The reason why the stone is red is its iron content, which is also why our blood is red. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ The reason why the stone is red is its iron content, which is also why our blood is red. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ The reason why the stone is red is its iron content, which is also why our blood is red. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ The reason why the stone is red is its iron content, which is also why our blood is red. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy

“ The reason why the stone is red is its iron content, which is also why our blood is red. ”

- Andy Goldsworthy
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