Quotes of Amisha Patel - somelinesforyou

“ I am happy I have competition. It keeps me on my toes all the while and stops me from becoming complacent. So, it works to my advantage. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ I am happy I have competition. It keeps me on my toes all the while and stops me from becoming complacent. So, it works to my advantage. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Kareena and Aishwarya are beautiful, and talented. But it hurts when I lose a project to them because I'm equally qualified. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Kareena and Aishwarya are beautiful, and talented. But it hurts when I lose a project to them because I'm equally qualified. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Films were never on my agenda, may be it was written in my destiny. And since I am here, I would like to give it my best try. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Kareena and Aishwarya are beautiful, and talented. But it hurts when I lose a project to them because I'm equally qualified. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Films were never on my agenda, may be it was written in my destiny. And since I am here, I would like to give it my best try. ”

- Amisha Patel

“ Kareena and Aishwarya are beautiful, and talented. But it hurts when I lose a project to them because I'm equally qualified. ”

- Amisha Patel
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