Quotes of Allie Burke - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not going anywhere. ”

- Allie Burke

“ Writing is the voices inside our heads, our minds, the creativity that exists for us to, from nothing, create alternate worlds, manipulate a personality or to introduce a new kind of love, a new kind of hate or pain or happiness or wonder or... anything we want. Through words, we can do, we can be anything we want. ”

- Allie Burke

“ Writing is the voices inside our heads, our minds, the creativity that exists for us to, from nothing, create alternate worlds, manipulate a personality or to introduce a new kind of love, a new kind of hate or pain or happiness or wonder or... anything we want. Through words, we can do, we can be anything we want. ”

- Allie Burke

“ She was addicted to literature like some people were addicted to heroin. ”

- Allie Burke

“ She was addicted to literature like some people were addicted to heroin. ”

- Allie Burke
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