Quotes of Alistair Grant - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant

“ I'm not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats. ”

- Alistair Grant
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