Quotes of Alice Cary - somelinesforyou

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ With hand on the spade and heart in the sky Dress the ground and till it; Turn in the little seed, brown and dry, Turn out the golden millet. Work, and your house shall be duly fed: Work, and rest shall be won; I hold that a man had better be dead Than alive when his work is done. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ With hand on the spade and heart in the sky Dress the ground and till it; Turn in the little seed, brown and dry, Turn out the golden millet. Work, and your house shall be duly fed: Work, and rest shall be won; I hold that a man had better be dead Than alive when his work is done. ”

- Alice Cary

“ With hand on the spade and heart in the sky Dress the ground and till it; Turn in the little seed, brown and dry, Turn out the golden millet. Work, and your house shall be duly fed: Work, and rest shall be won; I hold that a man had better be dead Than alive when his work is done. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The berries of the brier rose Have lost their rounded pride: The bitter-sweet chrysanthemums Are drooping heavy-eyed. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ There is nothing so kingly as kindness. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The berries of the brier rose Have lost their rounded pride: The bitter-sweet chrysanthemums Are drooping heavy-eyed. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes. ”

- Alice Cary

“ The attempt is all the wedge that splits its knotty way betwixt the impossible and possible. ”

- Alice Cary
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