Quotes of Alfred Sutro - somelinesforyou

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ That's the penalty we have to pay for our acts of foolishness — someone else always suffers for them. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ That's the penalty we have to pay for our acts of foolishness — someone else always suffers for them. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: NOW. ”

- Alfred Sutro

“ That's the penalty we have to pay for our acts of foolishness — someone else always suffers for them. ”

- Alfred Sutro
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