Quotes of Alexandra Ripley - somelinesforyou

“ Shouldhaves solve nothing. It's the next thing to happen that needs thinking about. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ I really don't know why Scarlett has such appeal. When I began writing the sequel, I had a lot of trouble because Scarlett is not my kind of person. She's virtually illiterate, has no taste, never learns from her mistakes. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ I really don't know why Scarlett has such appeal. When I began writing the sequel, I had a lot of trouble because Scarlett is not my kind of person. She's virtually illiterate, has no taste, never learns from her mistakes. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ I really don't know why Scarlett has such appeal. When I began writing the sequel, I had a lot of trouble because Scarlett is not my kind of person. She's virtually illiterate, has no taste, never learns from her mistakes. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ Should-haves solve nothing. It's the next thing to happen that needs thinking about. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ I really don't know why Scarlett has such appeal. When I began writing the sequel, I had a lot of trouble because Scarlett is not my kind of person. She's virtually illiterate, has no taste, never learns from her mistakes. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ Should-haves solve nothing. It's the next thing to happen that needs thinking about. ”

- Alexandra Ripley

“ I really don't know why Scarlett has such appeal. When I began writing the sequel, I had a lot of trouble because Scarlett is not my kind of person. She's virtually illiterate, has no taste, never learns from her mistakes. ”

- Alexandra Ripley
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