Quotes of Alexander Bain - somelinesforyou

“ Very often actual revenge is beyond our means, and we are driven to indulge in prospective, circuitous, and imaginary retaliations, from thence deriving a few drops of satisfaction in the ideal form. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Very often actual revenge is beyond our means, and we are driven to indulge in prospective, circuitous, and imaginary retaliations, from thence deriving a few drops of satisfaction in the ideal form. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Very often actual revenge is beyond our means, and we are driven to indulge in prospective, circuitous, and imaginary retaliations, from thence deriving a few drops of satisfaction in the ideal form. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Instinct is untaught ability. ”

- Alexander Bain

“ Very often actual revenge is beyond our means, and we are driven to indulge in prospective, circuitous, and imaginary retaliations, from thence deriving a few drops of satisfaction in the ideal form. ”

- Alexander Bain
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