Quotes of Alex James - somelinesforyou

“ At the beginning of the competition, they measured how much power was in our house. At the end of the week they will measure again and hopefully we can be at or above our original amount of power. ”

- Alex James

“ Going on the radio is like talking to a nice girl you know; you think of perfect things to say and things to talk about but you can't premeditate love or the media. ”

- Alex James

“ Going on the radio is like talking to a nice girl you know; you think of perfect things to say and things to talk about but you can't premeditate love or the media. ”

- Alex James

“ Going on the radio is like talking to a nice girl you know; you think of perfect things to say and things to talk about but you can't premeditate love or the media. ”

- Alex James

“ Going on the radio is like talking to a nice girl you know; you think of perfect things to say and things to talk about but you can't premeditate love or the media. ”

- Alex James
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