Quotes of Albert Brooks - somelinesforyou

“ Be generous and you can be the best person who ever lived. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ I did for friends, and I immediately could get on television. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Getting older is a lot of fun. Right up there with chewing glass or putting your hand in a blender. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Even if you didn't see the movie, you'd see two words you'd never seen put together before — comedy and Muslim. Comedy is friendly — it's the least offensive word in our language. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ It's better to be known by six people for something you're proud of than by 60 million for something you're not. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Getting older is a lot of fun. Right up there with chewing glass or putting your hand in a blender. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ The whole world is tense. Everybody gets the international news. There's been no American comedy at all that even remotely addresses the subject in any way. My goal isn't to solve the world's problems. My character wasn't even able to do his assignment… ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ I'm not interesting enough on my own that you'd want to see a film about me. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ The whole world is tense. Everybody gets the international news. There's been no American comedy at all that even remotely addresses the subject in any way. My goal isn't to solve the world's problems. My character wasn't even able to do his assignment… ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Getting older is a lot of fun. Right up there with chewing glass or putting your hand in a blender. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up. ”

- Albert Brooks

“ Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it. ”

- Albert Brooks
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