Quotes of Liz Newman - somelinesforyou

“ Sometimes, People just aren’t going to get it It’s an everelusive concept, to be understood All you can hope for Is that you find someone that tries. Find someone that tries. ”

- Liz Newman

“ The Mask We often pair the turmoil in our mind With a calm exterior, Hoping that the mask Will serve as a floodgate To hold back the chaos Of our swirling thoughts ”

- Liz Newman

“ Spilled Ink It seemed unfair And unfinished, And now it would always be tragic. Because you kept Loving them Even when the story ended. And there was nowhere To spill the ink Of the heartbreak their absence wrote. ”

- Liz Newman

“ Atlantis People would whisper about us And our fall from grace As our world fell to ruin And our worst fears were realized, We’d be submerged and forgotten The stuff of speculation. Legend at best, We were a lost city, Singing our siren ballads Of heartbreak and woe From the depths below, We were here! We were here. We were here… ”

- Liz Newman

“ Of Ruin and Renewal We are souls Of ruin and renewal Sorting through the rubble Of our painful past. We are souls Of ruin and renewal Waiting for the dust To settle at last We are souls Of ruin and renewal Searching for eyes that see us And walk through the debris We are souls Of ruin and renewal, We rebuild, we revive, We repurpose our own story. ”

- Liz Newman
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